Working While Black (WWB) Stories From The Frontline

The National Black Worker Center is dedicated to creating safe spaces for sharing work experiences. We believe in giving voice to these experiences because our truths bring validation and garner support from one another, which empowers us to mobilize and fight for systemic change based on our shared experiences. Through our WWB video series, grassroots campaigns, WWB Expo, and trainings, we are proud to document and amplify these important stories.
One of our Working While Black stories featured New Orleans resident Izell Mayes, who owed $23,000 in traffic fines and penalties. He feared driving to work, because of the risk of being pulled over and arrested as he was unable to pay even a fraction of the balance. Izell was connected to our network partner New Orleans Black Worker Center Stand With Dignity, which offered a one-day community event called The Warrant Clinic. The Warrant Clinic helped people to clear warrants and attachments in traffic and municipal court, and in some instances, even get some fines and fees waived. The Warrant Clinic helped lift 250 warrants and 1050 attachments, saving the community about $2,000,000. Izell left that day owing only $9.00.
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